Thursday, February 5, 2015

"America, your gun laws are inhumane." via a black woman learning that MLK Jrs's mother was gunned down as she played the organ in her lifelong church.

The Jews guns were taken from them. That worked out well as more and more ppl had no way to protect themselves from an out if control government.

So then what, only the ‘bad’ ppl and government have guns? How fast do you think a 911 call will protect you and those who rely on you or those you love? If you have access to a gun legally and learn to utilize it, carry it with a concealed carry license for 6mths while living within 75 miles of a metro area, you come back and say the same.

Gun laws are made so a free people can protect themselves, not be enslaved by government control…which would RE-enslave African-Americans… The inhumanity comes from the people who obtain illegal guns or whose mental state becomes unstable…not from law-abiding Americans who own a gun or guns. The whole ‘people kill people, guns don’t kill people’ is dead on…no pun intended.

Any other thought process equates to ppl who leave there dog in a car on a hot day and it ”roasts to death” that the car is at fault or having a dog is inhumane…even the freedom to take yr dog is inhumane, not the FACT that the RESPONSIBLE PARTY THEMSELVES be held accountable… The inhumane isn’t an object ie the gun, the inhumanity, the stupidity, is in the action of the person…either the result be on purpose, negligence or an accident...

A law against guns removes a free persons right to protect themselves. I mean, inner city blacks can walk to abortion clinics and convenience stores where over priced lack of nutritional valued food can be purchased with food stamps…not a whole lot of transportation to utilize, the schools stink, hard to keep yr kid from being a drug runner, daughters taken advantage of, graduation rates fall, no child services involvement, police stay away, I mean…no checks and balances and even IF you happen to live in a state with programs that are decent there is little networking for anyone in an inner city area to utilize them without oppression from INSIDE due to control and threats and fear of leaving family and almost 8 YEARS of the 1st Black President who went into these areas to register ppl to then go back in for their votes he has done SQUAT for the system that ENSLAVES them to more of the same!

I’m a white girl from a shall town in NE OHIO and I worked at a chicken plant pulling guts for 3yrs with limited family and friends because of my love for Jesus made others uncomfortable… my state had incomparable programs I utilized but also of which were not offered to everyone equally so I observed the stereotyping racist behavior at the source…when I escaped ie worked my way from it I spent 5 yrs writing and all I received were THREATS to keep my mouth shut regarding what was not my business ie where did the monies ‘go’ when the tax payer programs weren’t advertised or ‘promoted’ do to eligibility based on income but the funneling was untraceable…these are programs that are piggybacked and porkbarreled and have no checks or balances on the left and the right looks the other way because they get this or that from the multi deal.

Do ya’ll not understand the idea that both sides morally blackmail you with their ‘you owe me’ loyalty feeling BS? Obama has had almost 8yrs TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM IN THAT SEAT and cell phones and healthcare is ALL ya’ll got from it? REALLY? Poor ppl ALREADY were eligible for health care!!! Children have Healthy Start.

Politicians play the poor as stupid and the blacks as more stupid. People need to revolt as a whole, not loot and race bait.

I’m pissed off the black president did NOTHING but give more free to those who need SUSTAINED to rise up not more FREE to keep them under control and feeling more loyal to that which doesn’t pull them up but holds them down.

In ’89, even though I couldn’t vote in the primaries I went from a registered Democrat to Independent so that neither side could count on me as there own. They morally blackmail ALL of us who are too afraid to vote for justice and truth. We vote for what is best for our immediate scenario because we see no hope for the future we SHOULD be able to SEE because we vote for more of the Establishment of which both sides coat with sugar but instead of fresh milk we see it’s curdled right away and take it in stride and try to make the best of it as not to lose face. Pride and arrogance then propel our fevers and we begin to believe the BS we tell others, ourselves…we are too enraptured with hope to acknowledge the fear we truly great of stepping out and away from what we’ve trusted that has only let us down.

The government is meant to protect our country, not control is ppl. It’s ppl take care of its own. Families, churches, communities, etc…its what we do as Americans and color had only made its way back into the limelight the last decade because I remember the end of the 70s- it being not like it is now and that’s ALL PROPELLED AND INSTIGATED BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.

I’d like to see a strong black woman pick up Ben Carson and they run together. No more Ken & Barbie (Romney &Ryan) bullcrap that doesn’t represent this county or understand its ppl.

We as a ppl are obligated to take care of the widowed, the ophaned and the infirm…

People walk away from their families and out of traditional values, adhere to no accountability nor responsibility, complain nobody is tolerant then deny the church to become an individual and scream their community’s don’t accept their individually then rely on the government to take care of what they have walked away from due to what can be seen add only a rebellion from mainstream society…sounds like the dumbass disease of white ppl? It is.

Both sides shame the African American community as if it’s all their fault but it’s a cover, its race baiting, its pitting Americans against Americans. Its brought on by OUR government.

You REALLY want the government to take yr right to bare arms away? And what…stuff yr wallet with food stamps and a limited medical card for yr kids? Continuing to raise taxes instead of a straight tax so those who spend more pay more?

So that eventually there are less ppl paying into the system than pulling from it? Then what? Then one program after another goes under? My son’s and I would have froze & or starved to death due to arrogance due to my white grandparents shame…had I not decided to utilize the programs that were meant to be.

There are so many people who are angry like I am…its truly sad that what’s happening is being tolerated by all of us…

Were is this First Black Man who is President and what has he done for the opposed who voted for him?  That's what I thought.


Eventually, there will be a book...follow early to get a front seat LOL Thanks for playin' :)
aHem...if you aren't my 'friend' aren't gettin' in...just sayin'... I know...right? ;)
 Paid for w/ my attempts at being a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant...contribute to my efforts...& my earning my pink caddy here:
(Can't hurt to try, eh?) ;)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Brittany Maynard's "RIGHT" to Die; The Body is JUST a Carcass for the Soul.

For those of you who believe there is dignity in awaiting the inevitable death that comes associated with unimaginable & unbearable pain of which is associated with a debilitating & crippling disease where your life is deemed terminal and of which brings on more than the 'atypical' issues of being bedridden with or without the outcome of aging, let me say to you, HOW MANY BED-SIDES HAVE YOU STOOD BY DAY AFTER DAY OBSERVING THE ONE YOU LOVE BE TORTURED BY THEIR BODY OF WHICH THEY HAVE LOST ALL CONTROL?

If our body is only a carcass for our soul then knowing we are accountable to a God who knows our hearts desires and of whose heart we seeked out with all our mind, body and soul, then does it not make it perfectly acceptable that, in the inevitable 'end' that at the point of less than zero quality and quantity of life where our vessel has taken us more than likely father than even we believed we were to go, that we be able to have made the choice to die with the dignity we prayfully lived with if only that dignity be the plan of when enough had been more than enough?

As a child of God, although G-D does not change, I can not believe He would deny His child based on their 'date of exit' being they lived their LIFE abiding in Him. Personally I find it more blasphemous to pick the date of birth one has a child out of convenience instead of allowing a womans body to process the birth naturally.

Morals are guidelines we each process differently from region to region, country to country... Right & Wrong to reach of us can be aligned with less gray area based on social rules and etiquette associated with the era of which we live and the 'status' of those we frequently socialize with... our circles of companionship if you may.

And lastly, our examples and personal experiences aligned with those of whom we richly value as mentors and align ourselves with, thus absorbing their history of shared examples and experiences to create our own "Truth" and from that, we each live by a somewhat skewed truth OF OUR OWN which is individually or own like our personalities, mannerisms and characteristics!

To judge someone with 'Thou Shall Not Kill' and say that includes ourselves WELLLLL, what about killing death row inmates? Now you say, 'An eye for an eye'? I call BS and up the ante to the New Testament and Christ on the Cross.

I say if the vessel has carried one to a place where the soul is at peace that is peaceful and the choice was made while emotionally intact that it is enlightening and more than likely empowering to know the last of your last days are purposely lived and lived in dignity and that God awaits, arms open and not judging... We, who call ourselves His, seem to be judgemental enough. (Do not confuse that with holding one another accountable ya'll! ;) )

"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If more people all over the world would do this, the world would change."
Brittany Maynard
Death with Dignity
Compassion and Choices

May God be with her family & friends.

Eventually, there will be a book...follow early to get a front seat LOL Thanks for playin' :) aHem...if you aren't my 'friend' aren't gettin' in...just sayin'... I know...right? ;) Paid for w/ my attempts at being a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant...contribute to my efforts...& my earning my pink caddy here: (Can't hurt to try, eh?) ;)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Our Shooting Star, My Favorite Orkan

Every time I turn around he is a moments thought away.
Everything reminds me of a movie I saw and watched 100x either by myself or with the kids... its truly heartwrenching...
Would it be easier had he died of a stroke?
 Certainly, knowing his past, it would seem more REAL. Knowing he took his life, knowing depression personally...that darkness that drowns you on a personal level makes his death surreal- almost personal...and observing so many feeling the personal grief and knowing they DO NOT associate that level of KNOWING depression makes the emotions almost overwhelming.

Everyone who suffers from clinical depression has their own 'DEAL' with THEIR depression and to see someone take the "way out" that at times LOOKS to rein supreme creates a sense between envy, awe and the ultimate fear that if HE, Robin Williams, can not figure out how to overcome or SNAP! out of HIS darkness, the fear of reaching that point and not snapping out of my/our own is or looks futile.

Now I know that may come off crazy or, some may say "stay focused" or "get help" but if people who commit suicide COULD stay focused OR the help we DO seek worked all the time, then we/they wouldn't commit suicide, much less complete the he did.

In the oddity, and certainly not to sound depressed myself, although I feel the days growing shorter ie the seasons on the cusp of change, Robin Williams is at peace, no longer tortured by choosing to LIVE for others based on the expectations that society dictates...

Some people are truly OK with 'checking out' while things seem OK with those they love and before what they see coming will rob them of that "OK".

To explain the last comment, Robin Williams had recently finished 4 movies, the show, 'The Crazy Ones' was cancelled and thus, things were DONE or what would seem like at a 'finished' point.

What was next was the onset of the Parkinson's for the world to observe. Michael J Fox was diagnosed in '91 and did not share it with the world until ' long would he be able to manage without the world seeing him with pity?

I do not see Robin Williams, who has given and had so much to give, accept being on the receiving end. Many men are this way, he is not alone and his actions speak loudly that there is nothing humorous of what he foresaw, either in the near future or in the moment of his chosen demise.

I pray we hear that the toxicology report shows the medication he was taking for depression & anxiety contributed to his actions, I really do.

I want to hear how his choices were not to escape the truth of what life was offering him and that he would have marveled us with his unique ways of teaching us how to deal with what all life hands us...but somehow, in the pit of my stomach, I feel that Robin Williams had had enough lemons to make as much lemonade as he cared for and decided to make a point upon his exit; when it's time to go, it's time to go and that is dat.


From the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire"
(where (Mrs. Doubtfire) is reading the letter from the child whose parents are getting divorced):

"Dear Mrs. Doubtfire; Two months ago, my mom and dad decided to separate. Now they live in different houses. My brother Andrew says that we aren't a real family any more. Is this true? Did I lose my family? Is there anything I could do to get my parents back together?
Sincerely, Katie McCormick."

Oh, my dear Katie. You know, some parents get along much better when they don't live together. They don't fight all the time and they can become better people. Much better mommies and daddies for you. And sometimes they get back together. And sometimes they don't, dear. And if they don't... don't blame yourself. Just because they don't love each other doesn't mean that they don't love you. There are all sorts of different families, Katie. Some families have one mommy, some families have one daddy, or two families. Some children live with their uncle or aunt. Some live with their grandparents, and some children live with foster parents. Some live in separate homes and neighborhoods, in different areas of the country. They may not see each other for days, weeks, months or even years at a time.

But if there's love, dear, those are the ties that bind. And you'll have a family in your heart forever.
All my love to you, poppet.
You're going to be all right."


From the movie, "Dead Poet's Society"
O Captain! My Captain!
By Walt Whitman

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
 Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
 Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.


From the movie, "What Dreams May Come"
Chris Nielsen (Williams):
A whole human life is just a heartbeat here in Heaven. Then we'll all be together forever.

Thats reassuring, don't ya think?

Sad to know he is gone on a selfish level and my heart hurts for his family and friends...

This is the house that occupied Mrs. Doubtfire's 'family' speaks volumes to my heart.


If I ever visit San Francisco, this will be my memorial stop in memory of Robin Williams.

Goodbye Robin Williams; your journey on earth was amazing from the looks of us mere mortals...your star will forever glisten in the history of men who had us laughing through our tears like nobody else could do.

As I end this I will quote the graduation speech from the movie "Jack"
"I don't have very much time these days so I'll make it quick. Like my life. You know as we come to the end of this phase of our lives, we find ourselves trying to remember the good times and trying to forget the bad times, and we find ourselves thinking about the future. We start to worry, thinking "What am I gonna do?", "Where am I gonna be in ten years?". But I say to you, "Hey, look at me". Please, don't worry so much, because in the end none of us have very long on this earth - life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night, and when a shooting star streaks through the blackness turning night into day, make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular. I know I did!"
ie Robin Williams AS Jack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As Mork would say, "Na-Nu Na-Nu" in greeting.
But would say, "Shazbot"in place of other profanity...

I feel like screaming "OH SHAZBOT this is SO NOT RIGHT!!"

Goodnight, and I pray that I sleep better, at least...

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Eventually, there will be a book...follow early to get a front seat LOL
Thanks for playin' :)
aHem...if you aren't my 'friend' aren't gettin' in...just sayin'...
I know...right? ;)
Paid for w/ my attempts at being a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant...contribute to my efforts...
As I work towards earning my pink caddy here:
(Can't hurt to try, eh?) ;)